SBMP Performance Videos (click on any title to view the video)
The following performance videos have been generously provided by outstanding choirs from around the world. If you have a video of your choir you would like to submit for inclusion, please email your YouTube link to
You can also view our entire video collection including Score&Sound videos on our
YouTube channel.
Videos 241 to 280 of 353
Path We Take, The, Neil Ginsberg
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 890
The Havre de Grace High School Virtual Chamber Singers - David Tramontana, conductor
Peace of Wild Things, The, Joan Szymko
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 561
Milwaukee Choral Artists - Sharon Hansen, conductor
Plenty Good Room, arr. René Clausen
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 536
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Concert Choir - Dr. Gary R. Schwartzhoff, conductor
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, David N. Childs
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 401
Little Flower Academy - Ms. Marizza Mislang, conductor
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi , David N. Childs
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 637
St. Mary's International School, Tokyo, Japan, Randy Stenson, conductor
Pure Imagination, , arr. Matthew D. Nielsen
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1214
USC Thornton Chamber Singers, Jo-Michael Scheibe, conductor
Reapers All with Their Sharp Sickles, The, arr. Seth Houston
voicing: SATB/sop solos catalog number: SBMP 996
USC Chamber Singers, Jo-Michael Scheibe, conductor
Red River Valley , arr. Timothy Jon Tharaldson
voicing: TTBB/bar. solo catalog number: SBMP 886
The University of Pittsburgh Mens Glee Club, Richard Teaster, conductor
Rejoice!, Jeffery L. Ames
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 728
The USC Concert Choir - Cristian Grases, conductor
Requiem for Solace - choral score, Kim André Arnesen
voicing: SATB chorus, mezzo soprano & child soloist catalog number: SBMP 1556
Coro Filarmonico di Brescia - Davide Mainetti, choir master & Massimo Mazza, director
Reuben and Rachel, arr. Andrew Larson
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 810
The Evergreen Valley High School Chorus, directed by Ms. Jennifer Kambeitz
Ride the Chariot, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 1202
Luther College Aurora - Dr. Jennaya Robison, conductor
Ride the Chariot, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1759
Deer Creek Chorale and The Frederick Chorale
Rise Up Shepherd, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SATB - 2 tenor soloists catalog number: SBMP 1437
USC Thornton Chamber Singers - Jo-Michael Scheibe, conductor
Risseldy Rosseldy , arr. Jay Broeker
voicing: SA or Unison catalog number: SBMP 310
Birmingham Boys Choir Junior Choristers - Ken Berg, Music Director
Rockin’ Jerusalem, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 1164
Mt Sac Chamber Singers under the direction of Mr. Bruce Rogers
Rytmus, Ivan Hrusovsky
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 319
Côrdydd, Wales’ - Sioned James, conductor
Salve Regina, David N. Childs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 248
Tawa College - Issac Stone, conductor
Sanctus, Randall Johnson
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1045
St. Mary's Varsity Ensemble (2011-2012) - Randy Stenson, conductor
Sanctus, Randall Johnson
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1052
2021 The NAfME All-National Honor Mixed Choir - Frances Fonza Smith, conductor
San’bonani/Namhla Kudibene, arr. Michael Barrett
voicing: SATB - 2 T solos catalog number: SBMP 1422
University of Pretoria Camerata, Michael Barrett, conductor
Sarasponda , arr. Ruth Boshkoff
voicing: 2 part catalog number: SBMP 303
Bellevue Girlchoir Training Choir - Darcy Morrissey, director
Set me as a seal upon your heart , David N. Childs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 210
Deming High School Advanced Choir and NMSU's University Singers, Larry Martin, Conductor
Shenandoah, arr. Matthew and Shelly Armstrong
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1386
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Varsity Men's Chorus - conducted by Matthew Oltman
Silent Land, The, David N. Childs
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 863
Westlake Boys High School Voicemale - David Squire, conductor
Sing to Me, Andrea Ramsey
voicing: SA catalog number: SBMP 1003
13th Fort Worden Children's Choir Festival Concert - Robyn Reeves Lana, guest conductor
Sinnuh, Please Don’ Let This Harvest Pass, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1337
Pennsbury High School, PA
Sisi ni moja (We Are One), Jacob Narverud
voicing: SA catalog number: SBMP 1439
Hillsboro Rockin' Hawks & Festus Intermediate Honor Choir COMBINED under the direction of Dr. Barbar Lamont.
Sisi ni moja (We Are One), Jacob Narverud
voicing: TBB catalog number: SBMP 1481
Fratelli, A Men's Chorus - Zack Thomas Wilde, conductor
Sisi ni moja (We Are One), Jacob Narverud
voicing: SA(T)B catalog number: SBMP 1338
Signature Chamber Chorus - Sam Kakai, conductor
Sit Down Servant, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 1135
Las Vegas Academy Singers - Mrs. Megan Franke, conductor
Sit Down Servant, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1368
Baldwin Wallace University Men's Chorus - Frank Bianchi, conductor
Siyalobola Gogo, arr. Michael Barrett
voicing: SATB/2 T solos catalog number: SBMP 1359
University of Pretoria Camerata, Michael Barrett, conductor
Skallakan, Till Meyn
voicing: Two-Part catalog number: SBMP 1803
HEB Elementary Honor Choir - directed by Linda Ford
Skip to My Lou, arr. Rachel Stenson
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 685
2011-2012 Southern California Vocal Association Men's Honor Choir - Randolph C. Stenson, conductor
Snowflakes , Seth Houston
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 972
USC Thornton Concert Choir, Seth Houston, guest conductor
Soar!, Christopher Fox
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1608
The 2020 Virginia District XVI Middle School Treble Chorus, Christopher Fox - conductor
Solstice, Tim Sarsany
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 672
Boston Gay Men's Chorus - Reuben M. Reynolds III - music director
Some of these Days, arr. Paul Rardin
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 478
Albright College Women's Chorale
Somebody’s Knockin’ at Your Door, arr. Kevin S. Foster
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1008
The St. Ignatius Cat-O'-Tonics