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 Jonathan Adams

Jonathan Adams (b. 1962) is a cum laude graduate of Arkansas State University where he received both his bachelor of music ed. and his master of music ed. degrees. While at ASU, he studied choral music with the late Alfred Skoog and composition with Jared Spears. He is currently choral director at Nettleton High School in Jonesboro, AR. Adams has been composing since age 18 and has many works in print. His music has been used for several All-Region and All-Conference Choirs, including the Alabama Jr. High All-State and the Northwest and Southern ACDA Jr. Honor Choirs. In 2000, 2004 and 2005 Adams was included in “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.” Adams currently resides in Jonesboro with his wife Kim and their daughters, Olivia Ann and Madeline Claire.

Jonathan Adams has 6 titles published with Santa Barbara.
Click on any title below to view the complete score and hear a recording if available.

A Living Dream SATB SBMP 1109 Audio Audio
A Rose in the Deeps of My Heart SATB SBMP 982 Audio Audio Video
Ave Rosa SA SBMP 959 Audio Audio Video
Chariot, The SATB SBMP 625 Audio Audio Video
Forever is composed of Nows SATB SBMP 626 Audio Audio Video
We Are the Music Makers SATB SBMP 852 Audio Audio

Audio = See the complete score    Audio = Hear recording   Video = Watch performance video

We’ve Only Just Begun
Matt Carlson