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 Andrew Larson

Andrew Larson (B.M. from Utah State University, M.M.from Brigham Young University, D.M.A. from University of Illinois) is on the choral and vocal faculty at Stetson University's School of Music in DeLand, Florida. He conducts the Stetson Chorale, the Stetson Men, and teaches choral conducting, choral arranging, and choral methods. He has studied with conductors, composers, and scholars Will Kesling, Ronald Staheli, Mack Wilberg, Fred Stoltzfus, and Chester Alwes. He has written for the Choral Journal, and is in frequent demand as a clinician, lecturer, and adjudicator for both commercial and academic venues in the Southeast. He is on the faculty at the New York State Summer School of the Arts. As a vocal soloist he has performed in numerous solo and chamber recitals and in various opera, musical theater, and operetta productions. Larson resides in DeLand with his wife and three children.

Andrew Larson has 2 titles published with Santa Barbara.
Click on any title below to view the complete score and hear a recording if available.

Reuben and Rachel SATB SBMP 810 Audio Audio Video
Tenebrae factae sunt SSAATTBB SBMP 1384 Audio Audio

Audio = See the complete score    Audio = Hear recording   Video = Watch performance video

We’ve Only Just Begun
Matt Carlson