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 Jeff Newberry

Jeff Newberry is a musician and educator with a reputation for his engaging and energetic style. As a composer and arranger, Jeff’s work draws from his diverse background in classical, pop, and theatre resulting in music that is dynamic and layered.

At the Toronto District School Board, Jeff is the Music Curriculum Leader for the Virtual Secondary School, home to 18,000 students from across the city. He teaches vocal music and drama, and his choirs have won top honours at local and national competitions. In 2018, Jeff and his students launched an in-house record label to showcase student song-writing.

As music director, Jeff has worked on dozens of productions at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Stratford Springworks Festival, Summerworks Performance Festival, Toronto Fringe Festival, and Next Stage Theatre Festival. Jeff has led workshops and professional development sessions for the teacher education programs at OISE, Queen’s, and York University, and at provincial conferences for music and drama educators.

Jeff holds a Bachelor of Music (University of Toronto), a Bachelor of Education (Queen’s University, Artist In Community Education), an Honours Specialist in Vocal Music (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree (York University).

Jeff Newberry has 1 titles published with Santa Barbara.
Click on any title below to view the complete score and hear a recording if available.

The Singing Bowl SSA SBMP 1696 Audio Audio Video

Audio = See the complete score    Audio = Hear recording   Video = Watch performance video

This Day
Daniel Brinsmead