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 David Rossow

David P. Rossow, (b. 1975) holds a Bachelor of Jazz Studies degree in jazz piano performance and a Master of Arts degree in composition from Florida Atlantic University. Mr. Rossow has served as the collaborative pianist for the Vocal Jazz Ensemble, the Vocal Performance Troupe, and the Women’s Chorus at Florida Atlantic University where he is currently a member of the faculty. In addition, Mr. Rossow coordinates the jazz combos, teaches courses in Sight Singing and Ear-Training, classical and jazz piano, and the History of Rock and Roll. At Florida Atlantic, he is frequently called upon to arrange or compose music for University events, among those, the FAU Foundation’s Capital Campaign Gala and the Inauguration of the current FAU President. His compositions and arrangements have also been performed at events such as the Republican Presidential Primary Debates at FAU (2008), the Florida State of the State Address (2007), and the FMEA In-State Clinic and Conference (2005). Mr. Rossow is also the Assistant Director of Music at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Ft. Lauderdale and is actively sought throughout South Florida as a pianist and accompanist.

David Rossow has 2 titles published with Santa Barbara.
Click on any title below to view the complete score and hear a recording if available.

Blessed Be the Name SSAA SBMP 1274 Audio Audio
Go From Me SATB div. SBMP 1335 Audio Audio

Audio = See the complete score    Audio = Hear recording   Video = Watch performance video

This Day
Daniel Brinsmead