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 Francisco F. Feliciano

Dr. Francisco F. Feliciano (1941 - 2014) was one of the Philippines’ most important composers. Dr. Feliciano created more than 30 major works that include operas and music dramas including La Loba Negra, Ashen Wings, Sikhay Sa Kabila ng Paalam (Beyond the Farewell), and the life of wartime Filipino hero, Jose Abad Santos. Among his large works are Transfiguration and Missa Mysterium for orchestra and large chorus, the ballet Yerma, and several prize winning compositions including Pokpok Alimpako, a favorite piece of choirs in international choral competitions, and Salimbayan. Umiinog, Walang Tinag (Perpetuum Immobile) was premiered in New York City at the ISCM Festival. In 1977, Dr. Feliciano was given a John D. Rockefeller III Award in Music Composition.

One of Asia’s leading figures in liturgical music, Dr. Feliciano composed hundreds of liturgical pieces, mass settings, hymns, and songs for worship. At the Asian Institute for Liturgy and Music, a school for church musicians he founded 20 years ago, he supervised the publication of a new Asian hymnal containing mostly works of Asian composers. Dr. Feliciano’s works are published worldwide in hymnals and worship books of various churches.

Dr. Feliciano was president of the Samba-Likhaan Foundation: The Asian School of Music, Worship and the Arts, an organization located in Quezon City, the capitol of the Philippines, and neighboring city of Manila. Devoted to the promotion of Asian music and arts, its goal is to put music and art in the context of worship.

Francisco F. Feliciano has 1 titles published with Santa Barbara.
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Pamugun SATB SBMP 451 Audio Audio Video

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Daniel Brinsmead