voicing: SAB | catalog number: SBMP 791 |duration: 3:40 | price: $2.50
accompaniment: piano, clarinet; Optional orchestral accompaniment available from the composer at www.paulcarey.net - (fl 1-2, ob 1-2, cl 1-2, bsn 1-2, hn 1-2, trpt 1-2 trb 1-2. tuba, harp, vln 1-2, vla, cello, bass, 2 perc.) INSTRUMENT PART: Clarinet part FREE Download
An exciting new song for Hanukkah. The clarinet stylishly opens the piece, leading to a haunting choral melody in the minor mode. A rousing concluding section celebrates the bright Menorah and the joy of Hanakkah. Also available for SA.