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CoverWithin the Circles of Our LIves [level: Medium]
Giselle Wyers: Bio and other works | Giselle Wyers Choral Series
voicing: SSATB | catalog number: SBMP 1395 | duration: 4:25 | price: $2.05
accompaniment: a cappella

The profound text by Wendell Berry offers some possibilities for choirs wishing to add a bit of staging to their performance. The composer, reflecting on the text, uses ascending intervals of the fifth, sixth, and fourth as motives symbolic of a circle. At the conclusion, the sopranos having been together throughout, now divide into two parts, echoing each other to add to the drama of the ending. This is a cleverly constructed composition that will delight singers as they bring it to life.

performance by: University of Washington Anacrusis - Giselle Wyers, conductor [© all rights reserved]

Order CLICK HERE: See and Hear the Complete Score or download a perusal copy: HERE

CLICK HERE: Read the Text or Poem
Within the circles of our lives
we dance the circles of the years,
the circles of the seasons
within the circles of the years,
the cycles of the moon
within the circles of the seasons,
the circles of our reasons
within the cycles of the moon.

Again, again we come and go,
changed, changing. Hands
join, unjoin in love and fear,
grief and joy. The circles turn,
each giving into each, into all.

Only music keeps us here,
each by all the others held.
In the hold of hands and eyes
we turn in pairs, that joining
joining each to all again.

And then we turn aside, alone,
out of the sunlight gone

into the darker circles of return.

Wendell Berry

CLICK HERE: Choral Tracks (Practice made simple)

Within the Circles of Our LIves choral track bundle contains a part dominant track for each voice part, a balanced voices track, and an accompaniment track if the work is not a cappella (the accompaniment is also included with the part dominant and balanced voices track). Get more information and listen to samples HERE. Please note that the choral score is not included in the bundle and needs to be ordered separately.

Price: $49.99
(Each bundle is licensed to be used by up to 50 users)
Please adjust the quantity accordingly if you have more than 50 users.

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