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CoverKeramos [level: Medium]
Stephen Schwartz: Bio and other works | Daniel Hughes Choral Series
voicing: SATB div. | catalog number: SBMP 725 | price: $2.60
accompaniment: a cappella

Broadway composer Schwartz sets the dramatic poem of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; the result: a stunning choral composition. The turning of the potter’s wheel is ever-present in the choir as beautiful melodies soar above.

performance by: The Choral Project, Daniel Hughes, conductor [© all rights reserved]

Order CLICK HERE: See and Hear the Complete Score or download a perusal copy: HERE

CLICK HERE: Read the Text or Poem
Keramos is the Greek word meaning pottery, pot­ter's clay, or a potter. Longfellow's extended poem by this title can be seen in full on the web; for this piece, the composer extracted part of the poem as follows:

Tum, tum, my wheel! Tum round and round
Without a pause, without a sound:
So spins the flying world away!
This clay, well mixed with marl and sand,
Follows the motion of my hand;
Far some must follow, and some command,
Though all are made of clay!

Tum, tum, my wheel! All things must change
To something new, to something strange;
Nothing that is can pause or stay;
The moon will wax, the moon will wane,
The mist and cloud will tum to rain,
The rain to mist and cloud again,
To-morrow be to-day.

Tum, tum, my wheel! All life is brief;
What now is bud wilt soon be leaf,
What now is leaf will soon decay;
The wind blows east, the wind blows west;
The blue eyes in the robin's nest
Will soon have wings and beak and breast,
And flutter and fly away.

Tum, tum, my wheel! 'Tis nature's plan
The child should grow into the man,
The man grow wrinkled, old, and gray;
In youth the heart exults and sings,
The pulses leap, the feet have wings;
In age the cricket chirps, and brings
The harvest home of day.

Stop, stop, my wheel! Too soon, too soon
The noon will be the afternoon,
Too soon to-day be yesterday;
All that inhabit this great earth,
Whatever be their rank or worth,
Are kindred and allied by birth, And made of the same clay.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow American, 1807-1882

CLICK HERE: Choral Tracks (Practice made simple)

Keramos choral track bundle contains a part dominant track for each voice part, a balanced voices track, and an accompaniment track if the work is not a cappella (the accompaniment is also included with the part dominant and balanced voices track). Get more information and listen to samples HERE. Please note that the choral score is not included in the bundle and needs to be ordered separately.

Price: $49.99
(Each bundle is licensed to be used by up to 50 users)
Please adjust the quantity accordingly if you have more than 50 users.

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The Choral Project, Daniel Hughes, conductor

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