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 Barbara Harlow

Barbara Harlow is the founder of Santa Barbara Music Publishing. She received a Bachelor's of Music degree, Cum Laude, from the University of Southern California where she had been awarded a full tuition, four-year scholarship. She has a Master's Degree in choral composition from California State University at Fullerton. Her first teaching job was at a Santa Monica junior high where her performing groups were a 65 voice Boy's Glee Club and a 100 voice Girl's Glee Club. She moved on to direct five choirs at Compton High School. While raising three young boys, she directed three elementary school choirs and was elementary district music coordinator for La Habra Schools. Moving to Santa Barbara, for three years she was the secondary district music coordinator while teaching at La Cumbre Jr. High School. In 1976 she became the choral director at Santa Barbara City College where she taught for thirteen years. She has written three books: You, The Singer, published by Hinshaw Music, How to Get Your Choral Composition Published, and The Art and Science of Planning a Choral Concert, the latter two published by SBMP. She performed professionally as a member of the Roger Wagner Chorale, and for two years, served as staff accompanist at Isomata. In addition to choral music, she has taught music theory, piano, voice, and guitar. In her school days, her second instrument after piano was the double bass. Barbara is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota and Pi Kappa Lambda.

Barbara Harlow has 8 titles published with Santa Barbara.
Click on any title below to view the complete score and hear a recording if available.

Bird's Courting Song SATB SBMP 23 Audio Audio
Caro Mio Ben SA SBMP 138 Audio Audio
Cielito Lindo SSA or TBB SBMP 567 Audio Audio Video
Cielito Lindo SATB SBMP 566 Audio Audio Video
How to Get Your Choral Composition Published BOOK SBMP 116
Jubilate Deo SSAA SBMP 915 Audio Audio
Silent Night SATB SBMP 643 Audio Audio
The Art & Science of Planning a Choral Concert [BOOK} BOOK SBMP 1805

Audio = See the complete score    Audio = Hear recording   Video = Watch performance video

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