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 Eric A. Johnson

Eric A. Johnson, (b. 1965) is Director of Choral Activities at Northern Illinois University where he directs the Concert Choir, Chamber Choir and teaches choral literature and conducting. Ensembles under his direction have performed at national and state MENC, NCCO, and ACDA conventions, been featured in live public radio concerts, and appeared with many professional orchestras. In spring 2007 Dr. Johnson served as guest conductor of the Clare College Chapel Choir, Cambridge England and worked with Sir John Tavener on a commissioned piece for the NIU Chamber Choir. He has studied conducting with Helmut Rilling, Dennis Keene, Robert Fountain, and Weston Noble. Johnson has had articles published in the Choral Journal and presented interest sessions at national, divisional, and state ACDA conventions. He is active nationally as a clinician presenting sessions on developing audiation skills in the choral rehearsal and refining expressive conducting gestures through Laban techniques. As a guest conductor and adjudicator, Dr. Johnson has worked extensively with festival high school choirs from Michigan to Montana. Dr. Johnson is also the Music Director of the Bach Chamber Choir and Orchestra, Rockford, IL, and is Past-President of the Illinois-ACDA. He earned degrees from University of Illinois, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Luther College.

Eric A. Johnson has 1 titles published with Santa Barbara.
Click on any title below to view the complete score and hear a recording if available.

Cuncti simus SATB SBMP 857 Audio Audio

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Arirang (Mother of Mine)
Byunghee Oh