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Middle School
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Mixed Choir
Tenor-Bass Choir
Treble Choir

 Ken Berg

For 28 years Ken served as the Director of Choirs and Fine Arts Chairman at John Carroll Catholic High School in Birmingham. The choirs at John Carroll consistently received highest ratings in district, state and national festivals under his leadership.  

After retiring from teaching high school in 2005, Ken served for six years as the full-time Music Minister and Composer in Residence at Mountain Brook Baptist Church, also in Birmingham.  As of the summer of 2011, after serving as the part-time Music Director for 33 years, Ken now serves as the first full-time Music Director and Resident Composer for the Birmingham Boys Choir - Under his leadership the Choir has toured extensively throughout Costa Rica, Europe, Japan, and Canada and has sung for OAKE, MENC and ACDA State, Division and National conventions.

He and his wife, Susan are the proud parents of two sons, Michael and David; both fine musicians in their own right, as well as BBC Alumni!

Ken has served as a State and Southern Division officer with the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) and has also served on the Training Courses Committee of the Royal School of Church Music in America. Additionally he is currently teaching Choral Arranging as an adjunct at his Alma Mater, Samford University. Ken often serves as clinician and adjudicator throughout the U.S.

Ken Berg has 9 titles published with Santa Barbara.
Click on any title below to view the complete score and hear a recording if available.

A Shepherd’s Carol TTBB SBMP 1001 Audio Audio
Cripple Creek TTB SBMP 968 Audio Audio
Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit TTB SBMP 1169 Audio Audio
Johnny-O & Sally Anne! SATB SBMP 907 Audio Audio Video
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence TTBB SBMP 973 Audio Audio
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks SATB SBMP 811 Audio Audio
Roll, Jordan, Roll SATB SBMP 819 Audio Audio
Sally Goodin’ SATB SBMP 898 Audio Audio
Stand Tall, O Man! TTB SBMP 1288 Audio Audio Video

Audio = See the complete score    Audio = Hear recording   Video = Watch performance video

This Day
Daniel Brinsmead