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CoverYou Cannot Lose My Love [level: Medium]
Sara Groves, arr. Susan LaBarr: Bio and other works | Janeal Krehbiel Choral Series
voicing: SA | catalog number: SBMP 1144 | duration: 2:15 | price: $2.40
accompaniment: piano

The song, by an established pop-gospel singer/composer, tells us “you will lose a lot of things, but you cannot lose my love.” A tender love song, beautifully arranged for treble voices.

performance by: Tennessee Chamber Chorus , Cameron LaBarr, conductor [© all rights reserved]

Order CLICK HERE: See and Hear the Complete Score or download a perusal copy: HERE

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The iSing Girlchoir - Jennah Delp-Somers, Artistic Director

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2018 | AR ACDA Summer Conf. July 23-25 2018
2018 | Oakland University workshop, Dr. Lauri Hogle, Oct. 20, 2018
2016 | KCDA Reading Packets July 7-9th
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Daniel Brinsmead