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CoverWoven Together [level: Medium]
Jacob Narverud: Bio and other works
voicing: SATB | catalog number: SBMP 1151 | duration: 6:30 | price: $2.80
accompaniment: piano; opt. inst. ens.
OPT. INSTRUMENT ENSEMBLE: SBMP 1151.1 [Conductor’s Score/Parts] $59.95
vln. 1, 2, vla., cello, marimba, 2 hns, trb., tuba, piano, opt. organ
Printed Conductor’s Score/Parts: ORDER HERE | ePrint Score/Parts: ORDER HERE


Based on a pentatonic Sacred Harp tune, this piece affords several performance options beyond SATB. The introduction could allow a procession; a children’s chorus could sing one of the verses; a program insert could invite the audience join in on one verse. Composed for a massed choir event, it is that rare piece that can serve this purpose. The uplifting text advocates togetherness and thankfulness and speaks to all ages.

performance by: Allegro Choirs of Kansas City, Christy Elsner, conductor [© all rights reserved]

Order CLICK HERE: See and Hear the Complete Score or download a perusal copy: HERE

CLICK HERE: Choral Tracks (Practice made simple)

Woven Together choral track bundle contains a part dominant track for each voice part, a balanced voices track, and an accompaniment track if the work is not a cappella (the accompaniment is also included with the part dominant and balanced voices track). Get more information and listen to samples HERE. Please note that the choral score is not included in the bundle and needs to be ordered separately.

Price: $49.99
(Each bundle is licensed to be used by up to 50 users)
Please adjust the quantity accordingly if you have more than 50 users.

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This score is available in Printed or ePrint format at checkout (More Information)

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Allegro Singers - Christy Elsner, conductor

Reviews | submit review

"Absolutely breath taking! "
review by: A. McKinney, Troy, OH - Fan

Featured on the following reading sessions
2014 | MN ACDA Dialog Aug 5-8, 2014
2014 | AZ MEA - February 2, 2014

This Day
Daniel Brinsmead