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CoverCantares de mi tierra [level: Medium]
Julio de Osmaarr. William Bausano: Bio and other works
voicing: SSA | catalog number: SBMP 1403 | duration: 4:40 | price: $2.10
accompaniment: piano

The arranger has chosen two of the famous Cantares from Spain. The Spanish flavor will be self-evident as these great pieces unfold. This is a very special dramatic addition to the treble concert repertoire.

performance by: Miami University Choraliers - William Bausano, conductor [© all rights reserved]

Order CLICK HERE: See and Hear the Complete Score or download a perusal copy: HERE

CLICK HERE: Read the Text or Poem
IMás cerca de mí te siento
cuanto más huyo de ti,
pues tu imagen es en mí
sombra de mi pensamiento.

Sueñe o vele, no hay respiro
para mi ardiente deseo,
pues sueño cuando te miro
y cuando sueño te veo.

Romon de Campoamor

feel closer to you
as I run away more and more from you,
since your image is in me, it is in me,
shadow(s) of my thoughts.

Whether I dream or stay awake, there is no rest
for my ardent desire,
since I dream whenever I see you
and whenever I dream I see you

Romon de Campoamor

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