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CoverYou Are the Song [level: Medium]
Jacob Narverud: Bio and other works | Janeal Krehbiel Choral Series
voicing: SSA | catalog number: SBMP 1552 | price: $2.40
accompaniment: piano

Set to a engaging text by Robert Bode, and supported by a stylish accompaniment, this is a precious piece that singers and audiences will love.

performance by: Trinity Springs Varsity Treble Choir - Clinton Hardy, Director  [© all rights reserved]

Order CLICK HERE: See and Hear the Complete Score or download a perusal copy: HERE

CLICK HERE: Read the Text or Poem
The world sings its old, sad song:
A song of "not enough"
And "not yet"
and "good girls don't make waves."

Yet, when we are in nature,
In the presence of trees,
Or with those we love,
And whose hearts are open,
We hear a deeper song.

A song that sings below the seas
And makes the planets spin,
A song that makes the dolphins leap
And women march in the streets:

You are the sun,
You are the sky,
You are the swollen river
And the brown mesa.

You are the leopard
and the great white wolf,
The soaring falcon
And the raven.

You are all you need to be,
And much, much more:
You are a body of light,
A builder of bridges,
And a dreamer of dreams.

You are the answer,
You are the gift,
You are the hope,
You are the Song."

by Robert Bode

CLICK HERE: Choral Tracks (Practice made simple)

You Are the Song choral track bundle contains a part dominant track for each voice part, a balanced voices track, and an accompaniment track if the work is not a cappella (the accompaniment is also included with the part dominant and balanced voices track). Get more information and listen to samples HERE. Please note that the choral score is not included in the bundle and needs to be ordered separately.

Price: $49.99
(Each bundle is licensed to be used by up to 50 users)
Please adjust the quantity accordingly if you have more than 50 users.

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This score is available in Printed or ePrint format at checkout (More Information)

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