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CoverThere’s Gonna be a Homecomin’ [level: Medium]
Kyle Pederson: Bio and other works
voicing: SSATB | catalog number: SBMP 1588 | price: $2.60
accompaniment: piano

Plenty of joy, fun, and playfulness in this piece. With a gospel groove, a rockin' piano accompaniment, and vocal lines that all parts can sink their teeth into--this piece is perfect for your first/homecoming concert of the year. The text affirms the power of any community (church, school, family, town) to surround its members with love and be a voice and force for wholeness, reconciliation, and hope.

performance by: Augustana University Choir - Dr. Paul Nesheim, conductor [© all rights reserved]

Order CLICK HERE: See and Hear the Complete Score or download a perusal copy: HERE

CLICK HERE: Read the Text or Poem
There’s gonna be a homecomin’
Oh, I’m headin’ home
To the people and the places that I know
Gonna have me a homecomin’
It’s where I wanna be
Where the places and the people all know me
Somewhere that I can be fully free
No front and no façade, where I can just be me
Ain’t no jealousy, ain’t no judgin’ found
Just whole-hearted love, and hope to go around

Kyle Pederson

This score is available in Printed or ePrint format at checkout (More Information)

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Augustana University Choir, directed by Dr. Paul Nesheim

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