A peaceful rest
A soothing touch
A gentle breeze
A word of hope
A ray of light
A happy tear
A drop of rain
A woodland stream
A pleasant dream
A starlit sky
A sunny day
A wish come true
A song to sing
A rose bouquet
A heart that feels
A life that gives
A winding path
A hurt that heals
Simple things
Make you happy
Simple things tell you that you are blest
Simple things make life beautiful
They are your special gift
Each one is right before you
We see a million in a single glance
Clap your hands and join the dance
The Joy of Simple Things!
A tune to hum
A new found friend
A drowsy, purring cat
A strong firm hug
A lightning bug
A floating butterfly
A puppy's wet kiss
A pigeon’s near miss
Staying out late
Sleeping in late
A playground swing
An ice-cream cone
A funny joke
A cheerful smile
A compliment
A place called home
And mem'ries not forgotten
Ronald W. Cadmus