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 Robert S. Cohen

Robert S. Cohen has written music for chorus, orchestra, chamber ensemble, dance and theatre and has been the recipient of awards and commissions, including a New Jersey State Council on the Arts Fellowship, Hong Kong Children’s Choir’s International Composition competition, several commissions from the Philadelphia Boys Choir & Chorale, an American Music Center Grant, Meet the Composer Awards, New York Composer’s Circle Award and several grants and awards from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation; also, the New England String Quartet, the Harrisburg Gay Men’s Choir, the Chicago Ensemble, New Opera West and Hong Kong Children’s Choir. His works have been performed in such prestigious venues as Carnegie Hall, Severance Hall, Berlin’s Kammermusiksaal, the Kimmel Center, Symphony Space, Bargemusic, the Sofia Opera House, Melbourne Concert Hall and the Beijing National Center for the Performing Arts. Alzheimer’s Stories for soloists, chorus and large ensemble, with a libretto by Grammy winning librettist Herschel Garfein, is one of the most performed large-scale choral works in the U.S and was the featured work at the 2019 ACDA National Conference. Other major works include Genesis for soloists, chorus, brass & percussion, Eternity Considered as a Closed System for soloists, chorus and orchestra, Edison Invents for baritone and orchestra, Do Not Enter for tuba & piano, Neptune’s Treasures for brass quintet, just released by Australia Lyrebird Brass, Calder’s Circus & Under Blood Moon for woodwind quintet; a string quartet, Five Nights in Sofia for violin & piano, a song cycle Parable, So You Think I’m Funny??? For bassoon & piano and An Ant’s World and Galapagos Suite for marimba. His extensive catalogue of choral works includes: Sleep, Little Baby, Sleep, Stardate 101, Stay in Time, The Road Back, The Beauty of Life, Night Cadence, Sprig of Lilac, Peter Quince at the Clavier, Wind and Spirit of the Winding Water. He is published by SBMP, Edition Peters, Hal Leonard, Shawnee Press, Pavane Publishing, Fred Bock Music, Lorenz Music Publishing, HoneyRock Music and J.W. Pepper.

Bob also co-authored the book and composed the score for the 2000 Richard Rodgers award winning Off-Broadway musical Suburb published by Dramatic Publishing. He received his A.B. in music from Brown University where he studied with Ron Nelson, his M.A. in Composition from Queens College; and was in the doctoral program at Columbia University. He is treasurer and board member of the New York Composers Circle. He currently lives in Montclair, NJ with his with his wife, Maryann and two cats Daphne & Chloe. His website is

Robert S. Cohen has 5 titles published with Santa Barbara.
Click on any title below to view the complete score and hear a recording if available.

Ain’t I A Woman SSAA SBMP 1698 Audio Audio Video
The Joy of Simple Things SA SBMP 1719 Audio Audio
Three Spirituals: Do You Believe SATB SBMP 1347 Audio Audio
Three Spirituals: I Know SATB SBMP 1348 Audio Audio
Three Spirituals: I See SATB SBMP 1346 Audio Audio

Audio = See the complete score    Audio = Hear recording   Video = Watch performance video

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