That thing within that makes you give Is a spirit and a heart of purest gold
That thing within that makes you live In a place where you will never grow old
That thing within that makes you care
For the children who are lost in deep despair
That thing within that makes you love Reaches out to people everywhere
And it feeds the hopes Of those whose hearts are broken
And it breathes new life into their dreams unspoken
It shines a light all around to those broken down
And it says to them, "there's a brighter day"
That thing within that makes you see
Far beyond the scope and reach of human eyes
That thing within that makes you be
More than what you ever dreamed or realized
For it feeds the hopes of those whose hearts are broken
And it breathes new life into their dreams unspoken
And should the clouds descend beyond the rainbow's end
You'll stand tall with that thing within You'll walk on with that thing within
And should the clouds descend beyond the rainbow's end
You'll still live with that thing within
You'll still give from that thing within
Sylvia Rose