voicing: SATB | catalog number: SBMP 99 |duration: 10:00 | price: $6.95 Printed Choral Score | $4.95 ePrint Choral Score
accompaniment: orchestra or piano ---------- SBMP 99.1 - Orchestra Parts/Conductor's Score - $200.00 [Digital Only]
1-2 vln, viola, cello, bass, picc, 2 fl, 2 ob, cl in Bb, 2 bsn, 2 hn in F, 2 trpt in C, 2 trbn, harp, timp & perc, piano & celeste (synth can be used to fill in the string parts)
---------- SBMP 99.2 - Chamber Orchestra Parts/Conductor's Score - $150.00 [Digital Only]
chamber orchestra | woodwinds, brass, percussion, 2 pianos to fill out strings
A colorful piece for the holiday season including traditional songs from many countries and ending with a powerful and joyous rendition of Joy to the World.