SBMP Performance Videos (click on any title to view the video)
The following performance videos have been generously provided by outstanding choirs from around the world. If you have a video of your choir you would like to submit for inclusion, please email your YouTube link to

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Videos 81 to 120 of 365

Dear Sarah, James Syler
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 686
The USC Thornton Chamber Singers - Jo-Michael Scheibe, conductor

Dona nobis pacem, Joshua Spacht
voicing: SATB, SA solos catalog number: SBMP 1279
The McLean Master Chorale - Michael Devine, conductor

Dormi Jesu, Kim André Arnesen
voicing: SSATB catalog number: SBMP 1357
National Lutheran Choir - David Cherwien, Artistic Director

Down by the Salley Gardens, arr. Tim Harbold
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1717
Ensemble Altera, directed by Christopher Lowrey

Dream Ship, The, Susan LaBarr
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1079
The USC Thornton University Chorus - Serena Eichhorn, conductor

Du bist du Ruh, ed. Peter A. Eklund
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 767
PWCS All-County HS Choir Concert - 2019

Elijah Rock!, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 1430
The Baton Rouge Magnet High Choralaires - Robbie Giroir, conductor

Emerald Stream, Seth Houston
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1046
The USC Thornton Chamber Singers, Jo-Michael Scheibe, conductor

Emily’s Creed, Philip E. Silvey
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 962
Festival Singers of Florida - Dr. Kevin Fenton, conductor

Et misericordia, Kim André Arnesen
voicing: SSAA - sop. solo catalog number: SBMP 1296
Et misericordia from Kim André Arnesen's MAGNIFICAT performed by Nidarosdomens jentekor & Trondheimsolistene. The MAGNIFICAT album was nominated for "Best Surround Sound Album" at the 2016 GRAMMY Awards.

Ev'ry Night When the Sun Goes Down, arr. D. Shawn Berry
voicing: TB catalog number: SBMP 509
The Young Men's Chorus of the Maryland State Boychoir - Stephen Holmes, conductor

Ev'ry Time I Feel The Spirit , arr. Allen Koepke
voicing: SATB/SSA catalog number: SBMP 345
The Milwaukee Choral Artists, Sharon Hansen, conductor, joins the National Lutheran Choir (Minneapolis, Minnesota), David Cherwein, conductor

Every Given Light, Dominick DiOrio
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1740
Cincinnati Youth Choir - Robyn Lana, conductor

Everything She Touches, Joan Szymko
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 738
Hypatia's Voice Women's Choir - Deirdre Kellerman, Artistic Director

Evocation (Mon-Nee-Joh), Hye-Young Cho
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1780
National Chorus of Korea

Evocation (Mon-Nee-Joh), Hye-Young Cho
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1801
Ajoo Women's Choir - Myung Un Lim, conductor

Exsultate justi in Domino , Brant Adams
voicing: SA catalog number: SBMP 171
Allen High School Eagle Select Choir - Kathryn Kendall, conductor

Exsultate justi in Domino, Brant Adams
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 172
Chandler Gilbert Community College Concert Choir - Vance Acker, conductor

Exsultate justi in Domino, Brant Adams
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 173
Varsity Ensemble, St. Mary's International School, Tokyo, Japan, Randy Stenson, conductor

Exultate Justi in Domino, Hyun Kook
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 1545
Kammerchor Manila - Anthony G Villanueva, musical director

Exultate Pacifica, Randall Johnson
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1686
St. Mary’s International School, Tokyo, Japan, Varsity Ensemble, Randy Stenson, conductor

Ezekiel , arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SATB/SATB catalog number: SBMP 1267
USC Thorton School of Music Chamber Singers - Jo-Michael Scheibe, conductor

Famine Song, arr. Matthew Culloton
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 575
The Choral Project - Daniel Hughes, conductor

Fear Not, Daniel Schreiner
voicing: SATB div./SATB soloists catalog number: SBMP 1228
Central Washingotn University Chamber Choir - Dr. Gary Weidenaar, conductor

Fecit potentiam, Kim André Arnesen
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1343
the Chamber Singers of The Greater South Jersey Chorus - Art McKenzie, Conductor

Fill My Life with Spring, David N. Childs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 680
Choralation - Westlake Girls and Boys High Schools - Rowan Johnston, Musical Director

Firefighter’s Creed, Vijay Singh
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1445
Central Washington University Men’s Choir - Dr. Scott Peterson, conductor

First Love, arr. Kevin S. Foster
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1094
Belgium choir Rondinella Knokke-Heist at the Concertgebouw van Brugge - Rudy Van der Cruyssen, conductor

Follow the Drinking Gourd, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1400
Clovis East Timberwolf Chorus - Carlin Truong, conductor

Freedom Come, Ben Allaway
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 67
Concordia College - René Clausen, conductor

From this House , Ben Allaway
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 225
The University of Pittsburgh's Heinz Chapel Choir, directed by Dr. Susan Rice

Fuji, David N. Childs
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 636
St. Mary's International School, Tokyo, Japan, Varsity Ensemble, Randy Stenson, conductor

Fuyu No Uta, arr. Rachel Stenson
voicing: SA catalog number: SBMP 979
Apprentice Choir (Colorado Children’s Chorale) - Jared Joseph, Conductor

Gabriel's Message, arr. Joshua Shank
voicing: SATB / solo quartet catalog number: SBMP 644
The Singers - Matthew Culloton, conductor

Gardener of the World, Philip E. Silvey
voicing: SA catalog number: SBMP 1042
Birmingham Boys Choir - Ken Berg, Music Director

Gartan Mother's Lullaby, arr. Neil Ginsberg
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 314
University of Montana Chamber Chorale - Dr. David Edmonds, conductor

Give Me Your Stars to Hold, Mark Sirett
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1252
Cairo American College Middle School Girl's Honor Choir

Gloria, Nancy Hill Cobb
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 578
Queen Margaret Chorale - Queen Margaret College

Gloria, arr. Jacob Narverud
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1262
Allegro con Spirito, Jake Narverud, conductor

Go Down Moses, arr. Daniel Mattix
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1290
The Moody Chorale - Betty-Ann Lynerd, conductor