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 Nicholas McKaig

Nicholas McKaig (b. 1988) has pursued his deep interest in vocal music since joining a local men’s barbershop chorus with his father at age ten. He began to explore composition at the age of thirteen and by age 19 saw his first composition published, The Joyful Piper (2009), by Santa Barbara Music Publishing. McKaig received his Bachelor of Arts in Music from the University of Southern California in 2011, cum laude, under the tutelage of Dr. Jo-Michael Schiebe, Chair of the Thornton School of Music Department of Choral and Sacred Music. At USC, McKaig’s choral compositions continued to be published with Santa Barbara and regularly performed in concert. Nicholas continues to compose, arrange, and perform vocal music and is currently focusing on the development of electronic media venues to the expression of his art.

Nicholas McKaig has 5 titles published with Santa Barbara.
Click on any title below to view the complete score and hear a recording if available.

God Is Nigh ("Taps") SATB div. SBMP 1198 Audio Audio
Hunt Is Up! The SATB SBMP 967 Audio Audio
Joyful Piper, The SATB SBMP 872 Audio Audio
Kumbaya SATBB SBMP 901 Audio Audio
Why Fades a Dream? SATB SBMP 960 Audio Audio

Audio = See the complete score    Audio = Hear recording   Video = Watch performance video

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Daniel Brinsmead