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 David Dickau

David Dickau (b.1953) is a choral conductor and nationally known composer. He has advanced degrees in choral music from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois and the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. David composes numerous commissioned pieces each year and his compositions are widely performed throughout the United States. Major commissions have included "Dresden Canticles," which was premiered in Leipzig, Dresden, and Prague; and "View from the Air," composed for the Anne Morrow and Charles H. Lindbergh Foundation in commemoration of Charles Lindbergh's historic transatlantic flight. Since 1991, David has served as Director of Choral Activities at Minnesota State University, Mankato, where he conducts the Concert Choir and Chamber Singers and teaches conducting and composition. He has led the MSU Concert Choir on several regional and international concert tours. Dr. Dickau recently received the Distinguished Faculty Scholar award from the university.

David has served as president of the ACDA of Minnesota. He served thirteen seasons as Music Director of Magnum Chorum, a chamber choir based in St. Paul, Minnesota. This ensemble appeared at ACDA regional and national conventions under his direction. They were featured on National Public Radio in the nationally syndicated program The First Art. Dr. Dickau also has appeared throughout the country as a clinician and guest conductor.

David Dickau has 7 titles published with Santa Barbara.
Click on any title below to view the complete score and hear a recording if available.

A Hope Carol SATB SBMP 1048 Audio Audio
Calm on the Listening Ear of Night SATB div. SBMP 786 Audio Audio
Footprints SATB SBMP 760 Audio Audio
Laughing Song SATB/opt. children's chorus SBMP 762 Audio Audio Video
Life Has Loveliness to Sell SATB div. SBMP 922 Audio Audio
Silent Noon SATB SBMP 815 Audio Audio
Stars Above the Hill, The SATB SBMP 953 Audio Audio

Audio = See the complete score    Audio = Hear recording   Video = Watch performance video

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Daniel Brinsmead