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CoverHere Inside My Heart [level: Medium]
Andrea Ramsey: Bio and other works
voicing: SATBB | catalog number: SBMP 825 | duration: 3:50 | price: $2.10
accompaniment: piano

The composer has beautifully and sensitively set an English translation of a poignant text by Spanish poet Antonio Machado. A dramatic and elegant piano accompaniment lends great support to this delightful piece.

performance by: The Friends University Concert Choir, Rolaine Hetherington, conductor [© all rights reserved]
recording available on promo CD for $2.00: Add to Cart

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"I know I can't give an unbiased review, but I'm honored to be a part of this recording as the accompanist of this wonderful choir and the "honorary sister" of the man to whom this piece is dedicated, Dr. David Weber of Friends University. He was the long time director of the Concert Choir of this fine University and this piece was commissioned upon his retirement from the position of director of this fine choir. On Sunday, January 22, 2012, he passed from this life into glory and I am celebrating his life's work as I listen to this beautiful piece written so poignantly by Angela Ramsey who has such a gift for putting music to beautiful words. "
review by: Jozelle Wallace, Wichita, Kansas - Concert Choir, Friends University

Featured on the following reading sessions
2017 | IN MEA Reading Session
2016 | KCDA Reading Sessions, July 7-9, 2016. Event 105
2013 | AL ACDA Summer Conference
2013 | MS ACDA July 15-17
2012 | CMEA Central SectionReading Session

This Day
Daniel Brinsmead