SBMP Performance Videos (click on any title to view the video)
The following performance videos have been generously provided by outstanding choirs from around the world. If you have a video of your choir you would like to submit for inclusion, please email your YouTube link to

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YouTube channel.
Videos 161 to 200 of 364

Illumina le tenebre, Joan Szymko
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 861
Penn State School of Music Concert Choir - Christopher Kiver, conductor

Illumina le tenebre, Joan Szymko
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 955
Cantamus Senior Ensemble - Ann Irons, director

In Anchor Bay, Sue Bohlin
voicing: SA (div.) catalog number: SBMP 731
Ensemble of Piedmont Choirs, Bob Geary, conductor

In the Silence, Jacob Narverud
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1284
Washburn Rural High School Chorale - Adam White, conductor

Indodana, and Michael Barrett
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 1438
13th Annual Choral Festival 2018 of Shenandoah Christian Music Camp (VA). Conducted by Regina Brubaker.

Indodana, and Michael Barrett
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 1177
The Missouri State University Chorale - Cameron LaBarr, Conductor

Indodana, and Michael Barrett
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1524
Wheaton College Men’s Glee Club - Mary Hopper, director

Infinity , Kim André Arnesen
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 1372
Vocal Arts Ensemble of Durham - Rodney Wynkoop, conductor

Invictus, Nancy Hill Cobb
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1025
Ohio State University Men’s Glee Club - Robert Ward, conductor

Invictus, arr. Stephen Rotz
voicing: TTB catalog number: SBMP 1333
Woodward Academy Men's Chorus - Stephen Rotz, conductor

IPharadisi, arr. Brad Richmond
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1468
13th Annual Choral Festival 2018 of Shenandoah Christian Music Camp (VA). Wendell Glick - conductor

Iraqi Peace Song , Lori Tennenhouse
voicing: SA/alto solo catalog number: SBMP 794
Pasadena All Saints Church Youth Choir - Jenny Tisi, conductor

It Sings in Me, Philip E. Silvey
voicing: SAB catalog number: SBMP 808
Lake Park High School Choir - Franklin Gallo, conductor

It Takes a Village, Joan Szymko
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 331
The Choral Project - Daniel Hughes, conductor

I’ve Been Buked, Children! , arr. Rollo Dilworth
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 547
2005 National Youth Choir - Rollo Dilworth, conductor

I’ve Found Me a River, Judy A. Rose
voicing: SATB/SAT catalog number: SBMP 1624
Portland Symphonic Choir - Alissa Deeter, Conductor and Artistic Director

Jambo, arr. Jacob Narverud
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1134
Allegro con Moto ensemble of the Allegro choirs of Kansas City, Christy Elsner, conductor

Jambo, arr. Jacob Narverud
voicing: SAB catalog number: SBMP 1146
Minnesota Boychoir, - Mark Johnson, Artistic Director

Jambo, arr. Jacob Narverud
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1309
2017 Seneca Tompkins High School All-County Chorus

Johnny Schmoker, arr. James Rodde
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 344
Northern Arizona University Men's Chorale - Brad Beale, conductor

Johnny-O & Sally Anne!, arr. Ken Berg
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 907
The Festival Singers of Florida - Dr. Kevin Fenton, conductor

Journey Home, Abbie Betinis
voicing: SATB/sop. descant catalog number: SBMP 865
26th Annual High School Choir Festival at Walt Disney Concert Hall with 900 Singers - Grant Gershon, conductor

Joy, Jim Papoulis
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1506
Cincinnati Children’s Choir, Bel Canto

Joy, Hans Bridger Heruth
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1554
Heartland Men's Chorus - Dustin Cates, conductor

Jubilate Deo, László Halmos
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 24
San Jose State University Chamber Singers - Dr. Charlene Archibeque, conductor

Jubilate Deo, Juan Ignacio Norońa
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 1617
Northern Arizona University Shrine of the Ages Choir - Dr. Edith A. Copley, conductor

Kansas City Kitty, arr. Jacob Narverud
voicing: TB catalog number: SBMP 1137
Allegro con Spirito - Jake Narverud, conductor

KidSong (SSA), Stephen Caldwell
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1542
Cantatrices (Palmerston North Girls' High School) The Big Sing 2019 National Final

Kiss, The, David N. Childs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1116
Plano Senior High School A Cappella Varsity Mixed Chorus, Derrick D. Brookins, conductor

Koowu, Maryam Khoury
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 695
Flower Mound High School Women's Concert Choir

Kpanlongo, arr. Derek Bermel
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 186
The University of Michigan Men's Glee Club, Paul Rardin, conductor

Kumbaya, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1494
UNC Charlotte University Chorale - Dr. Eric Posada, conductor

Kumbaya , arr. Neil Ginsberg
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 405
Illiana High School A Cappella Choir, Mrs. Erin Lanenga, conductor

La Otra, J. Michael Saunders
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 986
Union High School Chamber Choir, Mikkel Iverson, conductor

Laughing Song, David Dickau
voicing: SATB/opt. children's chorus catalog number: SBMP 762
Michigan State Vocal Music Association All State Honors Choir, Andre Thomas, conductor

Le Lion Amoureux, Christopher Fox
voicing: SA catalog number: SBMP 1622
The 2022 ACDA All Virginia Middle School Treble Choir - Christopher Fox, conductor

Let the Sea Make a Noise, arr. Jacob Narverud
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1444
Allegro con Moto - Christy Elsner, conductor

Light the Darkness (Golow an Tewlder) , Joel Snyder & Jane Kozhevnikova
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1714
Celebris Ensemble

Light the World, Connor J. Koppin
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1645
Turtle Creek Chorale - Rashaad Calaham, conductor (with optional strings)

Listen to a Jubilant Song, Tim Sarsany
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 500
Edo Corollar - Masayuki Murata, conductor