SBMP Performance Videos (click on any title to view the video)
The following performance videos have been generously provided by outstanding choirs from around the world. If you have a video of your choir you would like to submit for inclusion, please email your YouTube link to

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Videos 121 to 160 of 364

Go, Tell it on the Mountain, arr. Joshua Shank
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 580
Indianapolis Youth Chorale

Go, Tell It on the Mountain, arr. Stecey V. Gibbs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1096
USC Thornton Chamber Singers, DMA student Serena Eichhorn conducts

God’s Grandeur, Daniel Brinsmead
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 1263
USC Thorton School of Music Chamber Singers - Jo-Michael Scheibe, conductor

Good-Night, Matthew Emery
voicing: SSA or TBB catalog number: SBMP 1226
Saint Kentigern College - Lachlan Craig, conductor

Grace Before Sleep, Susan LaBarr
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 1005
Luther's Nordic Choir - Allen Hightower, conductor

Grace Before Sleep, Susan LaBarr
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 1196
University of Louisville Women’s Chorus - Dr. Won Joo Ahn, conductor

Grace in the sun, arr. Ethan Sperry
voicing: TTBB (T solo) catalog number: SBMP 1350
Portland State University Man Choir

Gravitas, Jacob Narverud
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 1723
Free State High School Combined Treble Choir [Lawrence, Kansas] Olivia Henning, Director

Gray Stones in the Grass, David N. Childs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 778
Lux Atlanta, Donald Milton III, conductor

Grow, Little Tree, Andrea Ramsey
voicing: SA catalog number: SBMP 1170
Allegro Singers, Christy Elsner, conductor

Hakuna Mungu Kama Wewe, arr. William McKee
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 1358
Plano East Senior High School Concert Choir Men - Danny Knight, conductor

Hands are Knockin‘, Kyle Pederson
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1551
Las Vegas Academy Singers - Megan Franke, Matthew Ostlie, directors

Hark! (The Herald Angels Sing), arr. Josh Sparkman
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 1728
Orange County Women’s Chorus - Eliza Rubenstein, Artistic Director, Abigail Sorber, conductor

High Flight, Laura Farnell
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1733
Heartland Youth Choir (Iowa) "Meet the Composer" Festival - Laura Farnell, guest conductor.

High Flight, Laura Farnell
voicing: Two-Part (opt SSA) catalog number: SBMP 1734
Heartland Youth Choir (Iowa) "Meet the Composer" Festival. Laura Farnell, guest conductor.

Hine Ma Tov , arr. Neil Ginsberg
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 286
USC Concert Choir, Dr. Cristian Grases, conductor

hist whist, Patrick Baker
voicing: SA catalog number: SBMP 1760
Junior Gondwana - Elizabeth Vierboom, conductor

Hodie , Joan Szymko
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 356
Sakura Junior Chorus - Tokiko Toya, conductor

Hodie, Jacob Narverud
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1620
The Bowling Green State University Falcon Choral Festival, BGSU Women's Chorus, and BGSU Collegiate Chorale - Emily Pence Brown, Women's Chorus Director, Richard Schnipke, Collegiate Choral Director

Hol' You Han' , arr. Paul Rardin
voicing: TTBB catalog number: SBMP 123
St Patrick's College, Wellington - Roger Powdrell, conductor

Hold Fast to Dreams, Susan LaBarr
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1426
Georgia State University Women's Chorus - Jennifer Sengin, conductor

Hold Fast to Dreams, Susan LaBarr
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1136
MSU Youth Chorale - Kyle Zeuch, director

Hold On, arr. Jay Broeker
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 321
LHS Combined Women's Choir

Hope, Marjan Helms
voicing: SA catalog number: SBMP 517
All Saints Youth Chamber Choir - Jenny Tisi Price, Director

Hope Is the Thing with Feathers, Susan LaBarr
voicing: SA catalog number: SBMP 1071
The Michigan State University Children's Choir - Dr. Kyle Zeuch, conductor

How Can I Keep from Singing, arr. Karen P. Thomas
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 897
performed by The University of Michigan Virtual Choirs - Eugene Rogers, artistic director

I Am Glad, Daniel Schreiner
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 1611
The Central Washington University Chamber Choir - Dr. Gary Weidenaar, director

I Am Not Yours, David N. Childs
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 568
Southland Girls' High School - Sarah Rae, Conductor

I Am Your Sunlight, Mikael Carlsson
voicing: SATB div. catalog number: SBMP 1050
The Los Angeles Master Chorale Chamber Singers - Lesley Leighton, conductor

I Believe in a Seed, Cynthia Gray
voicing: Two-Part catalog number: SBMP 1811
The Cincinnati Youth Choir's Singabration Summer Camp, Chelsey Sweatman conducting

I Can Be Me, Andrew Bruhn
voicing: Two-Part catalog number: SBMP 1709
The Annapolis Valley Honour Choir - Heather Fraser, conductor

I Dream a World, Joan Szymko
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 613
San Francisco Girls Chorus, Susan McMane, conductor

I Feel Tired Sometimes, Judy A. Rose
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1675
Performed by the Portland Symphonic Choir - Dr. Alissa Deeter, Artistic Director and Conductor

I Go Among Trees, Giselle Wyers
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 912
The Muskego High School Choir - Matthew Wanner, conductor

I Got a Home In a Dat Rock, arr. Stacey V. Gibbs
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1340
The Morris Knolls High School Chorale - Michael Semancik, director

I Hide Myself , Eric Whitacre
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 430
Phoenix Chamber Choir (Vancouver, Canada) - Graeme Langager, conductor.

I See the Heaven’s Glories Shine , Andrea Ramsey
voicing: SSAA catalog number: SBMP 929
Wheaton College Women's Chorale - Mary Hopper, conductor

I See the Heaven’s Glories Shine, Andrea Ramsey
voicing: SATB catalog number: SBMP 1040
MSU University Chorale - David Rayl, conductor

If You Want To Go, Philip E. Silvey
voicing: SSA catalog number: SBMP 1381
Hernando Middle School Girls Chorus - J. Reese Norris, conductor

If You’ve Only Got a Moustache, arr. Stephen Rotz
voicing: TB catalog number: SBMP 1334
Woodward Academy Men’s Chorus - Stephen Rotz, conductor